Do you want to share your passion and make a difference?
Make a major gift today, and help us deliver One Million Hippodrome Moments. Play your part in preserving and developing the theatre for future generations, and advancing our charitable work.
A gift of £3,000 or more can make a real difference to our charity. You can channel your gift to an area of our work you are passionate about, or we can allocate your gift to wherever the need is greatest.
What’s your passion? Your gift could:
- Inspire audiences with breath-taking new productions and help us invest in the best possible artistic commissions
- Reach people of all ages and backgrounds through our creative education programme, ensuring the arts is made accessible to all
- Protect and preserve our historic auditorium and invest in exciting future capital developments
What difference will it make?
With your support we can take a big step towards our vision to deliver One Million Hippodrome Moments. Our vision is to maintain and grow our 500,000 theatre visitors each year, and reach a further 500,000 young people, vulnerable adults and local communities through free festivals, creative workshops and education programmes.
How do I make a major gift?
We’d love to share our future plans with you and hear more about what Birmingham Hippodrome means to you. To discuss making a major gift to Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust, please contact Head of Fundraising and Development Judith Greenburgh on 0121 689 3082or email
Or, you can simply call us to make a gift on the phone, donate online, or send a cheque made out to ‘Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust’ to Fundraising, Birmingham Hippodrome, Hurst Street, Southside Birmingham, B5 4TB
Gift Aid It
If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, you can help us do even more. If you are eligible, we can reclaim a further 25% from HRMC, at no extra cost to you. Simply let us know when you make your gift.
Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust is a Registered Charity, No 510842