This is a past event and is currently no longer running.


Island of Foam by Stephanie Lüning invites audiences of all ages to play and move within a magical world of coloured foam, creating a sensory spectacle as the festival finale.

Outstanding artist Stephanie Lüning delves deep into the fascinating world of foam, unveiling a series of works that redefine the boundaries of art. Foam, often considered an everyday and overlooked material, is transformed by Lüning into a source of metaphysical insight. In Lüning’s works, foam is presented not only as a physical substance, but also as a carrier of a multitude of meanings. From urban landscapes to political movements and individual life stories, she skilfully interweaves the foam with complex themes to create a fascinating visual narrative.

Relaxed Sessions will be in the Access Hub after the performances at 12 noon and 4pm.

Easy Read Guide

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